Artist: Christi Barrett
Call to purchase art:
"My love for art is only shadowed by... love for life!"

My artwork is a reflection of my love for nature, life,
 and all that is good in this world.  With each
 brush stroke I am expressing a moment in time
that touched me.   Most of my art evolves without
premeditated subject.  My imagination is influenced
 by a photograph, memory, and always from emotion.

Creation of all that is good surrounds us constantly. 
It can be an unexpected summer storm rumbling in
 from the distance creating energy.  The continuous
 sound of waves caressing a shoreline is soothing
 and hypnotic. Floating vibrant hues from trees
 in autumn are mesmerizing. Laughter from strangers 
makes me smile and is infectious. While gazing into
 glassy pond, a sudden splash from an otherwise silent creature
 is tantalizing.  Too many beautiful 
moments to list them all and so I choose to paint them.
 This is my way of giving life a smile. So, please, 
do not just “stop to smell the roses,” but absorb every
 moment that you do. This is my art, this is what
 I express everytime I create a new piece.
Christi Barrett's artwork is also on display and available to purchase at :

211 Gallery
211 N. Palestine
Athens, Texas 75751

   Zen & Beauty   
     228 N. Prairieville      
    Athens Texas     

Find me on Facebook:
and Christi Barretts Artwork
Fly The Flag Texas
December 2012 Issue
Article by: Toni Garrard  Clay
Fly the Flag Texas 
by James Robertson
March 2016 